Contest theme: Texture in photography can enhance realism, add depth and dimension, evoke emotions, serve as a focal point, allow for creative expression, and contribute to visual balance. It has the ability to offer an enhanced sensory experience, making viewers feel as if they can touch the subjects in the image. Texture can create a mood, provide context, guide the viewer's eye as well as offer photographers opportunities for creativity and artistic interpretation. Contest rules, details, and the submission link will be sent out in a separate newsletter.
Any paid member of the club is eligible to enter 1 to 2 images at no cost. Prizes include $50 gift certificates to Bedford Camera and Video for the top three winners (1 ea.) and recognition from the AOPC. No exchange of usage rights occurs and the photographer retains all rights. The AOPC (with permission of the photographer) may use the image to post on the AOPC webpage and/or social media channels.
There will be outside judges to view and select the winners. Submission deadline is by end of day (11:59 pm) January 31, 2024. No entries will be accepted after the deadline. Submissions must be made in a jpg format. Image enhancements via software is allowed and encouraged. There is a file size upload limit of four (4) MB. If you file is larger than that, please resize and submit.
Winner announcements will be made during our February meeting. You do not have to be present at the meeting to win, and we’ll contact any winners that don’t attend via email after June 15th.
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