about arkansas outdoor photographer's club

Founded in 1996, The Arkansas Outdoor Photographer’s Club (AOPC) was formed to promote the exchange of information regarding outdoor, nature, wildlife and travel photography and to socialize with fellow photography enthusiasts. Click here to view our Bylaws.

Membership in the AOPC shall be open to any individual who possesses an interest in outdoor, nature, wildlife or travel photography and who pays the established dues. Beginners, amateurs, and professionals are welcome, and we offer opportunities for all to share, learn and grow.

Normally, we meet the third Thursday of each month at the Second Presbyterian Church, 600 Pleasant Valley Dr, Little Rock, AR 72227. The schedule does vary at times so make sure to double check out upcoming Events for details.

We would love to have you be part of the AOPC community! Join us for a meeting and check out us out on Facebook. Family membership is $30 per the calendar year or $20 for a single-person membership.

Benefits of AOPC Membership
– Like minded community
– Speaker meetings and workshops
– Internal photo contests with prizes
– Annual summer picnic and holiday potluck
– Club Outings
– Photographic Society of America (PSA) Club Member
– 5% off purchases at the Little Rock Bedford Camera store
– Regional Conference Discounts
– High quality presentation equipment (money is reinvested in the club)
– Newsletters
– Active Facebook community

If you’d like to join and wish to pay by check, please fill out the registration form by clicking here, select check as your method of payment, and then click submit. Either bring your check to the next meeting or please mail it to the address below:

Attn: Dave Humphrey, P.O. Box 241237, Little Rock, AR 72223

Please make your check out to “AOPC” when mailing.

Interested in doing a presentation for the Arkansas Outdoor Photographer’s Club? Click now to find out more!

AOPC 2023 Officers

Alex Kent
AOPC President

Email Alex

Brian Howard
Vice President

Email Brian

Dave Humphrey

Email Dave

Bobby Burton

Email Bobby

Deepak Pati
Outing coordinator

Email Deepak